Artist’s Books from the Würth Collection, Norway

Gallery Würth in Norway

From A to Z – Artist’s Books from the Würth Collection


Time: 4 July 2022
Location: Oslo, Norway

On the 4th of July we came to the Gallery Würth in Norway to see the artist’s book exhibition “From A to Z – Artist’s Books from the Würth Collection”. It is a beautiful and modern Gallery in the nature near Oslo.

Kestutis Vasiliunas near Gallery Würth

Wonderful artist’s books by world-famous artists and writers are exhibited at the Gallery Würth: A.R. Penck, André Masson, André Breton, Benjamin Péret, Eduardo Chillida, Franz Marc, Franz Ringel, Félix Labisse, Günter Grass, Günther Uecker, HAP Grieshaber, Hans Arp, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Herman de Vries, Hermann Hesse, Jean-Paul Sartre, Klaus Zylla, Markus Lüpertz, Max Liebermann, Maximilian Barck, Pablo Picasso, Paul Éluard, Robert Desnos, Sabine Hoffmann, Salvador Dalí, Sophie Tauber-Arp, Thomas Bernhard, Victor Brauner, Wassily Kandinsky, Wilhelm Beuerman, Yvan Goll.


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Kestutis Vasiliunas

© Artist’s Book Creators 2022