You are browsing the Blog for artist’s book workshop
Prof. Timothy Frerichs Lectures & Artist‘s Book Workshop in Vilnius Academy of Arts
Open Lecture “Timothy Frerichs, Artist Books – Material as Content” Time: 4th of Decemb
Artist’s Book Workshop for the Students
Artist’s Book Workshop for the Students Lithuanian mythological stories: Interpretation on the the
Artist’s Book Lectures & Workshop in Urbino 2018
Artist’s Book Lectures & Workshop in Urbino Time: 14-17 May 2018 Location: ISIA Urbino
Artist’s Book Lectures & Workshop in Graphic Art Department
Artist‘s Book Lectures & Workshop of Patrizia Meinert “pli selon pli“ (fold by fold)  
Prof. Chang-Soo Kim from South Korea visited Lithuania
25-29 June 2017 World Famous artist, printmaker, artist’s book creator Chang-Soo Kim with his wife
Concert of Prof. Joseph Johannes Visser in Lithuania
A ringing European salute form the carillon-turret on the town hall of Dokkum NL Carillonneur Auke d