Artist’s Book of Chen Kong Yue, China


Artist’s Book of Chen Kong Yue

Chen Kong Yue Artist’s Book The Town of Botang

Beautiful and sensitive the artist’s book, created by Chinese artist Chen Kong Yue, deeply goes to the roots of Chinese woodcut printing. The thin black line engraved on the wood plate and printed on Chinese paper. Small figures of ordinary people like in old Chines prints. And traditional Chinese book binding.

“The Town of Botang”
Chinese paper, woodcut, 30 x 41 cm

Artist's Book "The town of Botang"

Artist's Book "The town of Botang"

Artist's Book "The town of Botang"

Artist's Book "The town of Botang"


How we know, the printmaking started in China. The world’s earliest dated printed book “Diamond Sutra” from Tang dynasty, printed by Wang Jie from woodblock in 868 A.D. in China. The earliest known book “Jikji” printed with movable metal type in 1377 in Korea.

Here are few Chinese woodblock prints made with think black line.

The intricate frontispiece of the "Diamond Sutra", 868 A.D.



Encyclopedia. Woodblock print

Qigong exercise to regulate blood vessels. Chinese woodcut , 1523




Kestutis Vasiliunas

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© Chen Kong Yue