Visiting Musashino Art University in Tokyo

The poster about Musashino Art University in Metro station in Tokyo

Visiting Musashino Art University, Museum & Library


During my stay in Tokyo I was invited by Prof. Ryuta Endo to visit Musashino Art University. It is one of most famous art universities in the world. Many famous Japanese and international professors were teaching here, like printmaker Prof. Ryoji Ikeda, which I had the possibility to meet in the 1st International Printmaking Symposium in Bentlage in 2009.

The main gate to the Musashino Art University

In the Musashino Art University I visited the Printmaking Department where with Prof. Ryuta Endo and Prof. Toshiya Takahama we were discussing about our academies, about printmaking situation, artist’s book and about the cooperation projects between our art universities.

Printmaking Department

With Prof. Toshiya Takahama and Prof. Ryuta Endo

Prof. Toshiya Takahama showed beautiful University Museum with renovated spaces and wonderful new Library designed by architect Sou Fujimoto.

University MuseumMusashino Art University LibraryMusashino Art University Library

In the winter 2018 Prof. Toshiya Takahama has to arrive in our Graphic Department, in Vilnius Academy of Arts with the lectures and workshop. In 2019 we plane big printmaking project withs professors and students from Japan and Lithuania.

Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas
Vilnius Academy of Arts

Main Sponsor of the Travel to Japan: Lithuanian Council for Culture


© Photos: Kestutis Vasiliunas
© Artist’s Book Creators Community