Exhibition „History of Slavery in America“
Black Lives Matter
155 years since end of slavery?
Location: The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, U.S.A.
Time: 2019
“The great American abolitionist, writer and orator Frederick Douglass once said, “Slavery is the great test question of our age and nation.” Now, 400 years after African people were captured, enslaved and first transported to America, the repercussions of enslavement – a systematic and institutionalized practice – remain with us today.” – https://www.buffalolib.org/
In 2019, during my travel with the “8th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018” in America, (the Exhibition was installed in the Reed Library of the State University of New York at Fredonia), we with prof. Timothy Frerichs visited some libraries and museums. In the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library we have seen the exhibition „History of Slavery in America“. Sad, very sad.
But even more sad that slavery and human trafficking have flourished in our day, and supported by governments. Who does hard and dirty work in Europe, U.K. and in America? “Black people”, slaves from East Europe and Balkan Countries, from Middle East, people from poor countries. How many colonies does Britain, France or Spain have in America, the East, in Africa? But you fight for free Tibet. Great. But why don’t you fight for a free North Ireland, Gibraltar, Catalonia… for free African countries from France?