In February 2016 I have been invited to create in the Artist in Residency in Lapland in Sweden. It was my second time for creating prints and artist’s book in this wonderful village in winter time. Snow and cold – what can be more nice? What can be more nice then long beautiful mornings and long sunrises, snow storm in the night, ice roads and dark sky with many stars – soft light from the windows of the Paradise…?
Here I was creating print “Sleeping” – coloured woodcut on canvas, artist’s book; here we have made printmaking workshop for students from village’s school. Here we were skiing in beautiful nature, where no people…
Here I was reading the “J. D. Salinger: A Life Raised High” of K. Slawenski.
For coming to Art Residency near Arctic Circle I had to drive (my 20 years old Toyota Previa) 300 km on beautiful ice and snow road surrounded by frozen lakes and forests in snow. Fantastic feeling.
And here I would like to return back again…