Flip Artist’s Books in the National Art Center Tokyo

Flip artist's book of Masahiro Hasunuma

Masahiro Hasunuma – Flip Artist’s Books in the National Art Center, Tokyo

21st “DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow” Exhibition


Artists Koichi and Roberta in the Exhibition

During our travel to participate in the Final Exams in the Musashino Art University in Tokyo, we with our friend an artist Koichi Kiyono visited National Art Center, Tokyo. On this time they had wonderful exhibition of young artists “21st DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow.” And between art installations and performance art we “found” one artist with an artist’s books – flip books. Her name – Masahiro Hasunuma. Big impression on me made not only the artist’s books, made very professional, but how was installed the exhibition of flip artist’s books. And, how I see, in each space, Masahiro Hasunuma install her artist’s books in different ways, creating special mood.

Installation of artist's books

“Born 1981, Tokyo (Japan). Graduated Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School (Ph.D.) in 2010. With an interest in old tales and dreams, creates works of various media such as painting, hand-drawn animated work, and photography.”

Installation of artist's booksFlip artist’s book of Masahiro HasunumaFlip artist’s book of Masahiro Hasunuma

“Walk the path, turn the curve, look at the moon, look at the trees, look at the stones, and count them one by one as you move toward the story that has not yet begun. To tell a story is to “gain by counting” one by one. This is the meaning contained in the German word for storytelling / erzählen. It may not be a story, but I am unlearning us/society.” Aiming for “this may also be said to be us/society” by art.” – Wrote an artist Masahiro Hasunuma in her portfolio.

Flip artist's book of Masahiro HasunumaModern and beautiful building of the National Art Center, Tokyo NACT has been designed by Kisho Kurokawa. It was opened for public in 2006. The National Art Center, Tokyo has a total of 14,000 square meters of exhibition space, one of the largest in Japan.

National Art Center, Tokyo

National Art Center, Tokyo

“For more than half a century since 1967, the Agency for Cultural Affairs Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists (formerly the Overseas Study Program for Artists) has been helping young artists attend training at organizations abroad in order to foster the talent that will support the future of the arts in Japan. Marking its 21st edition this year, the “Domani: The Art of Tomorrow” exhibition started in 1998 as a way to publicly showcase the work of participants from the visual arts field of the program. The large-scale group show, held in the unique exhibition spaces with high ceilings inside the National Art Center, Tokyo aims to present artists the program sent abroad to the Japanese art scene.” – https://www.nact.jp/

Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas

© Circle “Bokartas”
© Photos: 2Cent.


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